Metrobank Foundation | Non-Profit Organizations in the Philippines

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  • MBFI Excel. Engage. Empower.

Our Team

Education Unit
Tel. nos.: (02) 8 898 8898; (02) 8 857 0618

Excellence Awards Unit
Tel. no.: (02) 8 898 8757

Art & Design Unit
Tel. no.: (02) 8 898 8856

Corporate Communications Unit
Tel. no.: (02) 8 898 8855

Grants and Healthcare Unit
Tel. no.: (02) 8 857 5525

Administrative and HROD Unit
Tel. no.: (02) 8 857 9746; (02) 8 857 9351
Fax no.: (02) 8 750 0837

Research and Publications Unit
Tel. no.: (02) 8 857 0679

Finances Services Unit
Tel. no.: (02) 8 857 5544

GT Foundation, Inc.
Tel. no.: (02) 8 857 0679

Office of the President
Tel. no.: (02)8 898 9888

Copyright 2024 | Metrobank Foundation, Inc.

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