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Professorial Chair Lectures

Professorial Chair Lectures, in partnership with government and academic institutions aim to strengthen key professions in the areas of law, health, public service and governance.

Metrobank Foundation Professorial Chair for Public Service and Governance

A joint undertaking between Metrobank Foundation and the Ateneo de Manila University, the professorial chair seeks to give due recognition to public servants who are exemplary models of leadership and professionalism. It aims to strengthen the pillars of our government by furthering research and educating the citizenry on public-interest issues.

Ayala Corp. chair and CEO Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala is this year’s holder of the Metrobank Foundation Professorial Chair for Public Service and Governance as a corporate champion of innovative healthcare solutions. Zobel was the first from the private sector to receive this distinction by the Ateneo Professional Schools and Metrobank Foundation.

2016 Metrobank Foundation Professorial Chair for Public Service and Governance with Ombudsman Conchita Carpio Morales who delivered a lecture entitled “Building a Corruption Intolerant Society and Sustaining an Intergenerational National Anti-corruption Agenda”.

Metrobank Foundation Professorial Chair Lecture in Law

A joint undertaking between Metrobank Foundation and the Philippine Judicial Academy (PhilJA), the professorial chair seeks to promote excellence in the judiciary through the delivery of timely and comprehensive discourses by seasoned legal practitioners.

Professorial Chair Lecture in Liberty and Prosperity

A joint undertaking between Metrobank Foundation and the Foundation of Liberty and Prosperity (FLP), the professorial chair seeks to champion the twin judicial philosophies of Ret. Chief Justice Artemio Panganiban – the safeguarding of liberty and the nurturing of people’s prosperity under the rule of law.

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