Metrobank Foundation | Non-Profit Organizations in the Philippines

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metrobank foundation programs
  • GTFI Barangay Health Station

GT Foundation – Grants

GTFI supports high-impact and sustainable initiatives that fall under its priority thrusts through the grants program.

Education Health Arts & Culture
1. Scholarships for technical-vocational education and training (TVET) and college-level students taking science, technology, engineering & mathematics (STEM) courses 1. Maternal Health – construction or rehabilitation and equipping of new barangay health stations in geographically-isolated and disadvantaged areas (GIDA) 1. Rehabilitation of Cultural Heritage Sites
2. Construction and/or equipping of STEM 2. Medical Missions
3. Equipping of facilities for TVET and STEM 3. Mobile Clinics
4. Construction of classrooms in schools for indigenous peoples 4. Assistant to Public Health Facilities
5. Training for Health Care Providers on Maternal and Child Health Care Services
6. Nutrition


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