Metrobank Foundation | Non-Profit Organizations in the Philippines

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metrobank foundation programs
  • MBFI Excel. Engage. Empower.


The Metrobank Foundation, Inc. (MBFI) was established on January 8, 1979 by Dr. George Ty Siao Kian, sixteen (16) years after he founded the Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company (Metrobank). As the corporate social responsibility arm of the Metrobank Group, MBFI implements various programs on education, visual arts, health, and in the recognition of excellence among key professions. It also maintains a dynamic partnership with other organizations that likewise provide services for the underprivileged and marginalized sectors of society and remains responsive to aid survivors of natural calamities in the Philippines and in Asia through relief and rehabilitation efforts.

Over the years, MBFI has emerged as one of the country’s most active corporate philanthropic organizations and has since then garnered various awards both in the local and international scene.

Its flagship programs include the Metrobank Foundation Outstanding Filipinos; Metrobank Art & Design Excellence (MADE); Metrobank Scholarship Program (MSP); Metrobank MTAP-DepEd Math Challenge (MMC); Grants and Social Development Partnerships, Disaster Response, National Teachers’ Month (NTM) celebration, and the Metrobank Foundation Professorial Chair Lectures. MBFI is also the principal owner of the Manila Doctors Hospital (MDH), one of the leading centers of wellness in the country.

Consistent with its “Excel. Engage. Empower” roadmap, the Foundation’s programs seek to inspire people to excel in what they do, engage them and the communities they belong to, and empower them to become agents of positive change and influence—all for the onward pursuit of nation-building.

Copyright 2024 | Metrobank Foundation, Inc.

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