Metrobank Foundation | Non-Profit Organizations in the Philippines

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metrobank foundation programs
  • MBFI Excel. Engage. Empower.

Vision – Mission

Our Vision

To be the country’s premier corporate philanthropic foundation contributing a significant impact on social development.

Our Mission

As the heart of the Metrobank Group, we live up to our “Excel. Engage. Empower” roadmap that embodies who we are and what we do.

The Foundation shall endeavor to be the country’s premier corporate philanthropic foundation contributing a significant impact on social development. As a development organization, we aim to uplift individuals and the sectors they represent and strategically link with institutions for a shared-purpose. By creating and propagating a culture of excellence and providing solutions to stakeholder’s needs, we continuously expand our scope of reach and be at the forefront in serving communities. “Excel. Engage. Empower” or the 3Es shall remain our roadmap.

Copyright 2024 | Metrobank Foundation, Inc.

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